Voice Recognition

Voters approve School Budget, BOE members

S-E logo wolf (5/2023)The Sherburne-Earlville Central School District thanks residents for voting to approve our proposed 2023-2024 School Budget, Transportation proposition and Earlville Library proposition, and for electing three Board of Education members Tuesday, May 16.

Voting results are as follows:
School Budget (passed): 647 YES, 201 NO
Transportation Proposition (passed): 646 YES, 207 NO
Earlville Library Proposition (passed): 646 YES, 201 NO
Board of Education: *Jerri Webb 595 votes, *Tina Baker 560, *Harmon Hoff 554, Thomas Jusianiec 327, Michael Barone 259, Edward Potrzeba Jr. 235.

* Webb, Baker and Hoff were elected to three-year BOE terms commencing on July 1, 2023.
Posted 5/16/2023
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