The teachers, staff, students and administration of S-E Elementary promote these qualities of good character:
Respect • Safety • Responsibility • Honesty • Tolerance • Kindness • Perseverance • Teamwork • Citizenship
Shining Character Pledge
I pledge each day to do my best,
In Reading, Math and all the rest,
I promise to obey the rules,
In my class and in my school.
I will respect myself and others too,
I will expect the best in all I do.
I am here to learn all I can,
To try my best and be all that I am.
We believe that Character Education is the best way to make an important difference in the life of a child. Done well, it can lead to improved academic achievement and help prepare students to become productive members of society.
Throughout the year, we have assemblies, class meetings, lessons, signs and symbols that remind all parents, students, teachers and staff members that we are polishing our "Safe, Respectful, and Responsible" student. There is a lighthouse in the Main Lobby that symbolizes our commitment to “Shining” Character.
We are making a special effort to point out and promote those qualities in a consistent and school-wide manner. Part of the Character Education program is the Shining Character coupon. A student receives a Shining Character coupon when he/she is "caught" demonstrating qualities of good character. At the end of each week, a drawing takes place and students who received coupons that week have a chance to win a prize from the Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Prize case.
The Character Education program, prizes included, is completely run by volunteer efforts and by donations from school employees, community members, and local businesses. Thank you to all who contribute to this valuable program!
If you would like more information on this program, or if you would like to contribute, please contact Mr. Morris in the Elementary Office (607.674.7336).